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Writer's pictureWarren Nye

5 Ways A Peak Performance Mindset Coach Can Help You Succeed

Can you remember a time when so many challenging things happened at once outside of your personal life? From the pandemic to business and school closures, to your sporting events, the years past will be hard to forget. We continue to struggle with many issues that began a few years ago. However, there are still ways to grow and thrive during this time. Finding access to an effective personal peak performance mindset coach or mentor can help you succeed when it feels like all odds are against you. If you’re looking for a coach, you can do an online search for many coaches and programs.

What Does a Peak Performance Mindset Coach Do?

Coaches work with clients in almost any area. These areas include personal development and growth, relationships, business development, and career goals, within the elite athletic world.

An effective coach carefully listens to their clients, observes their behavior, and then customizes a personal roadmap to elicit solutions and strategies from the client.

Regardless of industry, a coach's goal is to help their clients develop, grow, thrive, become more efficient and effective upon life's challenges, and experience more satisfaction in life.

Teens and Young Adults

The past few years have been emotionally devastating for most adults; however, its impact on teenagers' and college-age students' mental health is far more significant.

Right now, teenagers and young adults are suffering on scales we don't know of yet. A study released by Mental Health America shows that people under the age of 25 are the most severely affected by a rise in anxiety and depression linked to social isolation and the fear of contracting COVID-19.

Can a Peak Performance Mindset Coach Help?

A professional peak performance mindset coach can provide the additional level of expertise their athlete-students require to take the next steps in their careers and lives—which can also create a bridge of hope that they might not be able to see now.

Recent research shows that PP Mindset coaches offer benefits in a range of environments.

One study found that training intervention increased productivity by 22%. In contrast, they added a one-to-one eight-week coaching intervention boosting their athlete students productivity levels by 88%.

See Yourself Clearly

Below are some of the key reasons why PP Mindset coaching can be a powerful tool.

When you're working with a PP Mindset coach, you can see yourself more clearly. They can show you what they see at face value. It is easy to miss things about yourself when you're looking at your life. Past experiences and biases are all that you can see when you look in the mirror. Thus, a PP Mindset coach can use their fresh set of experienced eyes to evaluate your current state and provide a clear roadmap to where you want to go.

A New Level of Expertise

Having a PP Mindset coach brings a level of expertise to the playing field, which adds more value to you as a student-athlete. You are gaining knowledge in an area that you are interested in that will give you an edge over others who go about their journey alone. Finding assistance from someone who has been there for decades can help you download snippets of their knowledge to help you reach your personal goals.

As a student-athlete, you can grow both mentally and physically by hiring a coach. Coaches can help stretch yourself to increase in an area you are not an expert in, leading to success in your personal and professional life.

Rich Perry, expert business and life coach, communication strategist, and best-selling author of Bankroll Your Mind, shared a golden nugget with me in our chat that he received from his mentor many years ago. He stated, "Getting the right coach will help you fold time. Rather than wasting time and money trying to figure it out on your own, an expert coach will show you how to properly execute the task so that results come quicker and are more significant."

Harnessing Your Strengths

A PP Mindset coach who is the right fit for your goals should be great at harnessing your strengths. It is essential to notice your weaknesses and strengths to decipher where to put your energy. An effective coach understands how to notice your strengths and help you thrive toward progress and growth.

Push Past Your Limits

Having a PP Mindset coach can also help you see that your goals are attainable. When you have someone who believes in you, and understands your sport or work, it is there you that can make a significant difference in your life. A great coach can make your goals feel achievable—no matter what obstacles may come your way.

Recently I chatted with National Level Figure Skater turned instructor, coach Michelle Hong. We connected and later spoke about next-level coaching and how she motivates her students across the globe.

Hong said, "Figure skating is very elite and exclusive. The limiting stereotypes of body size and age to skate make everyday people feel ostracized from the sport if they do not meet these unrealistic expectations.

Additionally, skating resources can be financially taxing, which also discourages people from participating. To combat these issues, I've utilized social media to share free tutorials from the beginner level to the advanced to bring skating to more than 500,000 people worldwide. I debunk common myths of body type and age restrictions that plague the sport as I want all students to know that they deserve an opportunity to learn."

Working with experienced coaches can bring an entire range of benefits to your life. Learning from the best is one of the most extraordinary experiences that can happen to a student-athlete, no matter what you are learning.

Your Outside Work Still Begins Within You

Working with experienced PP Mindset coaches can bring an entire range of benefits to your life. Learning from the best is one of the most extraordinary experiences that can happen to a student-athlete, no matter what you are learning.

Our inner strength begins inside. We can't control what's happening globally, but we can try our best to control how we handle and react to the current situation.

Especially now, finding a Peak Performance Mindset coach can be incredibly helpful, as many people feel lost without direction now. Having a positive mindset is also critical for getting through these times. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Peak Performance Mindset coaching is the fastest way to improve mental skills for your student-athletes.

Visit our website at to get further information and how you can book your first call to get started.

Your student-athlete can try our Free 15-minute introductory session to see if PP Mindset coaching is right for them.

Just respond to this email with your student-athlete name and email address and we will send out a link to book a time for the call.

We look forward to helping you improve your mindset and mental well-being.

Until next time

Coach Nye

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