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Mental Game Strategies for Optimal Concentration

You’ll learn how to focus on the process as well as learn how to refocus your mind when you’re distracted.

What You Need to Know

Superior concentration is a top priority for any athlete. Having an elevated level of concentration means that you can focus on the moment and on the correct performance cues that will help you perform. Likewise, good concentration also means coping with distractions.

Focusing on the process means:

• Being present Now (the here and now), not the last play.

• Thinking about “one play at a time.”

Focusing only on execution, not the outcome.

To be in the zone, you must focus on the moment, not the past or future. For example, if you dwell on a mistake you made, your focus is split between the past and the next play. Also, thinking about future outcomes, such as, I hope I don’t make a turnover, or don’t strike out, takes your focus away from the process during practice or competition.

Four Steps to Focusing on the Process

1. Define the performance cues for your sport. (You may have already done a lot of this with process goals).

2. Uncover your top distractions that hurt concentration. Take notice when you are distracted or thinking too far ahead.

3. Immerse your mind in your process goals. Use process goals to help you focus on execution (Plan A for Focusing).

4. Use the 3 Rs to help you refocus (Plan B for Focusing).

If you would like further coaching on Mental Game Strategies, then reach out to Coach Nye.

Until next time.

Coach Nye

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